Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Grow, Baby, Grow

Due to circumstances beyond my control, I haven't been able to get much in the ground yet. This past weekend, I finally came home to the frame for a raised bed, but haven't been able to get the soil for it yet. I did plant a lemon thyme border around the patio today, planted a bay laurel in a very large pot, and sowed three types of beans, Japanese climbing cucumbers, rainbow swiss chard, and lettuce (yes, I know it's late, but I didn't have the bed until today and it is heat resistant lettuce).

In other news, I learned how to wash wool this weekend, as well as watching a sheep shearing, at my new place of employment, Mount Vernon. So now I'm up on the processes of wool...processing...from washing, to carding/combing, to spinning, to weaving. I skipped dying, but we'll do that in a couple of weeks.

I'm very in tune with all of the fields at Mount Vernon, even the ones that I didn't have a hand in. I was happy to see the potatoes finally poking their topknots out of the soil after a great deal of delay, and the flax and the buckwheat are certainly flourishing. A few plants even made it home with me: horehound, feverfew, and caraway. I'm hoping to score a few tobacco plants just for decorative purposes as well.

1 comment:

  1. My wife has been experimenting with wool dyeing recently and was demonstrating at a sheep day near here.
